
Here are some great websites.

The Dizzy Cook, diet and lifestyle blog for migraine

Understanding Migraine

What women need to know about migraine

Estrogen & Progesterone, a Migraine Cure?

The National Migraine Association

The Headache Center Blog

The Migraine Project

AHDA, Headache on the Hill

Miles for Migraine

Taboo Symptoms of Migraine: Anger

The Migraine Mechanism  (click here) Migraines and Magnesium: A Love Story

Amy’s Note: I’d like to share this video with you. I have experienced migraine babble for many years. It’s difficult to explain what it feels like and very embarrassing, especially when I was working at my full time job. I feared appearing drunk or dumb. I tried my best to hid it. Happens in my writing and I pause a lot, the words get stuck. Often it can happen post-migraine when seemingly I’m feeling fine. It felt good to see this video, because inside I felt like such a nit wit. But it was just a migraine.  (click here) What is Migraine Babble?

It’s always hard to explain your life with migraines. Here’s a good article.
(click here) Trigger Not Cause. Don’t let them get away with it!!!

Amy’s Note:  When it comes to exercise, I have a specific regimen.  When I stick to it 7 days a week, my life is significantly better.  Walking daily has proven to be my number one migraine prevention tool.   I start walking at a very slow pace.  This is key!   It is important for me not to go too fast, especially at the beginning.  Jumping into exercise can make my head worse.   I don’t increase my speed until I’m comfortable.  Before I stop I decrease my speed and slow my heart rate.

Does music help or hinder?  This also depends on my pain level.  Another key factor is not talking.  Though I love company, I walk to prevent migraines.  I need to be in full control, listen to my body and focus on my breathing.

Do I walk with a migraine?  Yes.  Some days are slower than others.  There are exceptions, but for the most part I find it is still important to get out there and walk regardless of my pain.   It’s not about distance.  However, I do watch the clock.  Depending on my pain level, I walk 20-45 minutes.

Judge for yourself.  Consider finding your own personal exercise routine.  Give it a month or two, follow it consistently, and see what it does for you.  Good Luck!  Cheers to wellness!

(click here) Exercise: Migraine Trigger or Cure

Should you exercise with a migraine?



Although at times unpredictable, the blinding pain of a migraine is not random. It is crucial to understand that these chronic headaches are in fact the result of a complex cascade of inflammatory physiological reactions in the nervous system. Although still not entirely understood, recent investigations with imaging techniques and other sophisticated scientific tools have provided a more detailed insight to the pathogenesis of migraines.

In the current literature, the prevailing theory stands that migraines are the result of a hazardous misfiring of nerve impulses in different parts of the brain. During a migraine the brain stem that forms the juncture between the spinal cord and brain, is somehow mistakenly triggered to send a series of impulses to the nerve endings in the connective tissue surrounding the brain, an area referred to as the meninges. These confused signals result in the release of several different chemicals (such as substance P, neurokinin A and calcitonin gene-related peptide among others) which spill into the meningeal tissue, dilating the local blood vessels and creating a ruinous inflammatory reaction.

Consequently, the meningeal nerves send panicked messages back to brain stem, where they are registered as overwhelming pain. Therefore, although it might feel like in a migraine the brain actually hurts, it is rather the inflammatory reaction in the tissues surrounding the brain that is so problematic.

Thus, like so many other chronic conditions plaguing individuals today, migraines are at the root a disease of inflammation!

If you have information to share please contact Amy.